Daily Walk: Ducks and Stupid People

Daily Walk http://inspirationpie.com
Daily Walk

My day started out, well okay. I woke with a wicked headache, I was slow and stiff.  Mentally, just trying to keep myself afloat.  I forced myself to get going though, knowing that I always feel better after my walk.

We showed up at the dog park.  I didn’t need my sweater.  It was warm and the breeze was perfect.  Awesome.  Feeling better already. We made our way across the field and stopped at the crest overlooking the water.

Dog Park
The view from the crest of the hill overlooking the water.

There was a man  standing at the water’s edge watching some ducks.  There was frantic quacking, clearly the ducks were freaking out.  It was a mother with her ducklings.  I walked closer, puzzled.  I couldn’t figure out why the duck was so upset.  

There was something in the water, trailing after her.  At first it didn’t make sense.  Was something stuck on the duck?  A net?

Then, I realized.  It was a dog.

I approached the man, he had  a huge grin on his face but I could not, for the life of me, understand what he said over the sound of the agitated duck. He was pointing at Burger and then at the ducks. What?!

Is that your dog out there?” I asked.

“Yeah, ” he said, laughing.  Laughing.  “One time he was out there for three hours chasin’ em’.”

Oh. My. God.

“The duck is in distress.  He’s scaring the mother and her babies!”

Mother duck and her ducklings
Mother duck and her babies from another, more peaceful day,

“Oh, he’ll never catch them.  They’re too fast.  The mother is just scooting her babies along.  That’s why she does that.”

Really. That’s why she does that.  Could it be that she’s doing everything she possibly can to save  her babies?  I tried to convince him to call his dog in, but he was having too much fun.

Disgusted, and realizing that this man had the mentality of a lawnmower and I was not going to change his way thinking, I left and continued with Burger  on our walk, sending a silent wish that the duck would whack the dog in the nose with her bill or at the very least, get to the other pond where it was safer for her and her babies.    Or another duck would poop on the man’s head.  Either/or.

We hit the path, but honestly I was in no mood for taking pictures today.  Sorry. These are some shots from yesterday’s.


Burger swimming and not chasing ducks.





Burger on the back trail waiting patiently for me to take the picture.


On a brighter note, my lupins are in bloom!

bumblebee on lupins
A bumblebee!
Lupins in my garden

25 Replies to “Daily Walk: Ducks and Stupid People”

  1. Love your flowers! Mine have already died that I planted except for my dahlias….I’m no green thumb!! That man was a jerk. I would have loved to have pushed him in with his dog except it would have scared the poor ducks more! Some people are so ignorant and cruel. I despise cruelty towards animals. I hope your day got better!!


    1. I should have. I should have pushed him in! Damn, Stephanie, why didn’t I think of that? lol

      Your poor flowers! Dahlias are gorgeous though. They totally make up for it…have they bloomed yet?


      1. I don’t know! You really should have, lol!! Maybe his dog would have chased him instead.

        I know! They were in a container…I can’t remember what they were and dead in a week. I think my trailing petunias I have in a container with something (I’m terrible with flowers) are going to come back as long as my neighbor watered them while we have been gone! Yes, my dahlias started blooming weeks ago! They are huge! I’ll have to take a picture when I get home.


      2. That would have made a good picture 😉

        I love dahlias, they are gorgeous flowers! they are late blooming here and they have to be dug up in the fall. Too much work for me lol
        I hope your petunias are okay, they usually bounce back pretty well.

        I’m looking forward to your pictures!


      3. I can blame my daughter for the dahlias too, lol! I let her pick bulbs to plant 2 years ago, and I didn’t expect them to grow, and they took off! They get around 3 feet high every year. They start growing in March and are blooming by late May until Sept or Oct. I can’t kill them, lol. Thankfully, we don’t have to dig them up, or I would probably forget them, lol! We have covered them when it has gotten in the single digits, but that is so rare.

        I hope my petunias are too! If not, I guess I will start over with another visit to Lowe’s…

        I will definitely take a picture of the dahlias 🙂


      4. Oh wow, I’m sure they are gorgeous! And so easy for you to grow. I’ve had them here but they died because I forgot to take them out. Gladiolas, too.
        I’m much better with hardy perennials and annuals that survive on little water lol!
        I just put out some geraniums, petunias, verbena and some hibiscus. The warm weather is just starting here.


      5. That’s what gets me is anything that needs lots of water and can’t take too much heat. Although I have had luck with petunias the past couple of years, I just think I forgot to water them and whatever else I had (something yellow, hahaha), July and August is especially hard on flowers since we get the 100+ degree days….


      6. Love those crispy ones! My dad is an amazing gardener! He has a huge garden and grows fresh veggies every year and his flowers and roses are gorgeous! My grandad ran a 200 acre farm of tobacco and fresh food crops for over forty years. The greenthumb gene bypassed me, lol. I usually do very well with Lilies but forgot to take them inside when we had a freeze this year, so they didn’t bloom At least my crepe myrtle are bloom beautifully every year


    1. OMG I snorted when I laughed at this…I’m just picturing you doing that! LOL

      When my husband came home, he said I should have called the police or Dept. Natural Resources. He was torturing those poor ducks with his dog.


    1. Ha! I didn’t mention this in the post, or the comments, but it was weird. When I was on the trail (in the woods) I looked back and I could see him…out in the water! He was up to his waist in the water. I had no idea what he was up to! When I came out of the trail about 15 mins later, he was on the other side and his dog was still chasing the ducks. I said some profanities under my breath and kept going but it was weird!

      There wasn’t a soul there today. It was awesome lol.


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